| | | |
A Brief History of Everything | Ken Wilber |
Brave New World | Aldous Huxley |  |
Chaos and Cyber Culture | Timothy Leary |
Chaos Gaia Eros | Ralph Abraham |
The Cracking Tower | Jim DeKorne |
Jesus Weed | Gerald Taylor |
Junk | Christopher Largen |
Light Reading for the End of the World | Scott O. Moore |
Magic and Medicine of Plants | Reader's Digest Editors |
Sex, Drugs, Einstein, & Elves | Clifford Pickover |
Strange Attractor: Journal One | Mark Pilkington |
Strange Attractor: Journal Two | Mark Pilkington |
Strange Attractor: Journal Three | Mark Pilkington |
Strange Evolutionary Flowers | Lizbeth Rymland |
Voices From the Edge | David Jay Brown & Rebecca McClen Novick |
2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl | Daniel Pinchbeck |
The Codex Magliabechiano | Zelia Nuttal & Elizabeth Boone |
The Devil's Book of Culture | Benjamin Feinberg |
Moral Panics | Goode & Ben-Yehuda |
The Pursuit of Pleasure | Lionel Tiger |
Shamans Through Time | Jeremy Narby & Grancis Huxley |
Beyond Belief | Erik Davis |
Community Building | Kazimierz Gozdz |
Inspired Madness: The Gifts of Burning Man | Dale Pendell |
The Passive Solar House | James Kachadorian |
The Rammed Earth House | David Easton |
The New Strawbale Home | Catherine Wanek |
The Straw Bale House | Steen, Steen & Bainbridge |
The Botany of Desire | |
Ethnobotany: Evolution of a Discipline | |
Wildly Successful Plants: Northern California | Pam Peirce |
The Concise Illustrated Book of Mushrooms and other Fungi | David Pegler |
Mushroom | Nicholas P. Money |
In the Kingdom of Mescal | |
The Meridian Handbook of Classical Mythology | Edward Tripp |
Pacific Mythology | Jan Knappert |
The Well of Remembrance: Rediscovering the Earth Wisdom Myths of Northern Europe | Ralph Metzner |
World Mythology | Roy Willis |
The Alchemy of Love and Lust | Theresa Crenshaw |
Better Sex Through Chemistry | John Morgenthaler & Dan Joy |
The Illustrated Kama Sutra | Vatsyayana |
Moody Bitches | Julie Holland |
Sex and Drugs | Robert Anton Wilson |
Sex and Spirit | Clifford Bishop |
The Unused Potential of Marriage and Sex | Betty Eisner |
Nomad Codes | Erik Davis |
Perdurabo: The Life of Aleister Crowley | Richard Kaczynski |
The Visionary State | Erik Davis |
ART # |
Art of the Huichol Indians | Kathleen Berrin |
Cosmic Art | Raymond Piper and Lila Piper |
Drinking Lightning | Philip Rubinov-Jacobson |
Ecstasy: In and About Altered States | Lisa Mark |
Metamorphosis: 50 Contemporary Surreal, Fantastic and Visionary Artists | Robyn Flemming (ed.) |
Net of Being | Alex Grey |
Peyote Religious Art | Daniel C. Swan |
Psychedelic Art | Robert Masters & Jean Houston |
Psychedelika | Wolfgang Sterneck |
Psychonautische Landkarte: A Trip into Psychedelic Art | Claude Steiner & Radovan Hirsl |
Sacred Mirrors | Alex Grey |
Transfigurations | Alex Grey |
True Visions | Geraci & Timeto |
The White Rabbit and Other Delights | Alan Bisbort |
Vincent van Gogh: Chemicals, Crises, and Creativity | Wilfred N. Arnold |
We Ate The Acid: 61)A3HT3TA3W | Joe Roberts |  |
Women of Visionary Art | David Jay Brown & Rebecca Ann Hill |  |
Led Zeppelin (33 1/3) | Erik Davis |
FILM # |
Addicted: The Myth and Menace of Drugs in Film | Jack Stevenson |
Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance | Irvine Welsh |
Rave Culture: An Insider's Overview | Jimi Fritz |
Rave Culture and Religion | Graham St John |
This Is Not A Rave | Tara McCall |
Trance Formation | Robin Sylvan |
A Brief History of Drugs | Antonio Escohotado |
Darwin's Pharmacy | Richard Doyle |
Dock Ellis In the Country of Baseball | Donald Hall |
The Language of the Goddess | Marija Gimbutas |
The Long Trip : A Prehistory of Psychedelia | Paul Devereux |
Pharmakon: Plato, Drug Culture, and Identity in Ancient Athens | Michael Rinella |
Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History | Sidney W. Mintz |
This Timeless Moment | Laura Huxley |
LAW # |
Hit Man | Rex Feral |
The Outlaw's Bible | E.X. Boozhie |
Sex, Drugs, Death, and the Law | David A.J. Richards |
Equations of Power | Dale Pendell |
The Essential Rumi | Coleman Barks |
I: Mystical Mushroom Enlightenment Poems | Jay Dayva |
Cyberia | Douglas Rushkoff |
More Than Human | Ramez Naam |
The Playful World | Mark Pesce |
Spychips | K. Albrecht & L. McIntyre |
Techgnosis | Erik Davis |
Alice Through The Looking Glass | Lewis Carroll |
Alices Adventures in Wonderland | Lewis Carroll |
Alices Adventures in Wonderland: A Pop-up Adaptation | Lewis Carroll |
Brainchild | David Jay Brown |
Eden | Ken Wisman |
Etidorhpa | John Uri Lloyd |
The Great Bay: Chronicles of the Collapse | Dale Pendell |
The Wizard of Oz: A Pop-up Classic | L. Frank Baum & Albert Miller |
60's - PSYCHEDELIC # |
Amazing Dope Tales | Stephen Gaskin |
The Art of Ecstasy | William Marshall & Gilbert Taylor |
Beneath the Diamond Sky | Barney Hoskyns |
Birth of a Psychedelic Culture | Ram Dass, Ralph Metzner, Gary Bravo |
The Boo Hoo Bible | Art Kleps |
The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss | Dennis McKenna |
Captain Trips: A Biography of Jerry Garcia | Sandy Troy |
Flashbacks: A Personal and Cultural History of an Era | Timothy Leary |
Generation Ecstasy | Simon Reynolds |
Haight Ashbury Flashbacks | Stephen Gaskin |
Hallucinogens and Culture | Peter T. Furst |
High Weirdness | Erik Davis |
The Hippie Dictionary | John Bassett McCleary |
Hippie | Barry Miles |
Humphry Osmond Psychedelic Pioneer (comic book) | |
Island | Aldous Huxley |
Jail Notes | Timothy Leary |
Mavericks of the Mind | David Jay Brown & Rebecca McClen Novick |
Millbrook | Art Kleps |
On the Bus | Paul Perry |
The Other Side of Haight | James Fadiman |
The San Francisco Oracle | Allen Cohen |
Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine | Papaspyrou, Baldini, & Luke (Eds) |
Scrapbook of a Haight Ashbury Pilgrim | Elizabeth Gips |
Summer of Love | Joel Selvin |
Too Much to Dream | Peter Bebergal |
White Hand Society | Peter Conners |  |
2und Out | Maia Wojciechowska |
Amazon Magic | Jaya Bear |
Amazonian Chronicles | Meunier & Savarin |
The Jaguar that Roams the Mind | Robert Tindall |
Medicine Quest | Mark J. Plotkin |
Rainforest Medicine | Jonathon Miller Weisberger |  |
Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice | Mark J. Plotkin |
Tales of the Yanomami | Jacques Lizot |
The Three Halves of Ino Moxo | César Calvo |
Vine of the Soul | Richard Evans Schultes |
Where the Gods Reign | Richard Evans Schultes |
Yanomamö: The Fierce People | Napoleon Chagnon |
Yanomamö: The Last Days of Eden | Napoleon Chagnon |
Ganja In Jamaica | Vera Rubin & Lambros Comitas |
The Serpent & The Rainbow | Wade Davis |
Mushrooms, Myth & Mithras | Carl A.P. Ruck, Mark A. Hoffman, and Jose Alfredo González Celdrán |
Conversaciones con Maria Sabina | Enrique González Rubio |
Maria Sabina Selections | Jerome Rothenberg |
Vida de Maria Sabina | Álvaro Estrada |
Food Plants of the Coastal First Peoples | Nancy J. Turner |
The Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian | Paul Radin |
One Nation Under God | Huston Smith |
The People of the Peyote | Stacy Schaefer & Peter Furst |
Peyote Hunt: The Sacred Journey of the Huichol Indians | Barbara G. Myerhoff |
Amazon Healer | Marlene Dobkin de Rios |
Dreamtime & Inner Space | Holger Kalweit |
Ecstatic Religion: A Study of Shamanism and Spirit Possession | I.M. Lewis |
Flowers of Wiricuta | Tim Pinkson |
The Four Winds: A Shaman's Odyssey into the Amazon | Alberto Villoldo & Erik Jendresen |
The Gift of Life | Bonnie Glass-Coffin |
Hallucinogens and Shamanism | Michael J. Harner |
The Hidden World | Ruck, Staples, Celdran, Hoffman |
Journey to the Island of the Sun | Alberto Villoldo & Erik Jendresen |
The Nature of Shamanism | Michael Ripinsky-Naxon |
Psychedelic Shamanism | Jim DeKorne |
Plants of the Gods | Richard Evans Schultes & Albert Hofmann |
Ride on the Wing of the Eagle | Sheila Griffin |
The Shaman | Piers Vitebsky |
Shaman of Tibet: Milarepa - From Anger to Enlightenment | (Winged Wolf) Heather Hughes-Calero |
Shamanic Voices: A Survey of Visionary Narratives | Joan Halifax, Ph.D. |
Shamanism : Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy | Mircea Eliade |
Shamanism and the Eighteenth Century | Gloria Flaherty |
The Shaman's Apprentice | Lynne Cherry & Mark J. Plotkin |
Shamans, Healers and Medicine Men | Holger Kalweit |
Shamans Through Time | Jeremy Narby & Francis Huxley |
Spirit Circle | Hal Zina Bennett |
The Spirit of Shamanism | Roger N. Walsh, MD, PhD |
Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice | Mark J. Plotkin, Ph.D. |
The Three Halves of Ino Moxo | César Calvo |
A War of Witches | J. Knab |  |
The Way of the Shaman | Michael Harner |
Witchcraft Medicine | Muller-Ebeling, Ratsch, & Storl |
Zuni Fetishes | Hal Zina Bennett |
Yanantin and Masintin in the Andean World | Hillary S. Webb |